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Name of the trust shall be :-WARSI BAITULMAL TRUST


Registered Office of the trust  shall be at  Vill-Mura,Mohalla Waris Nagar,,Dist-East Champaran ,Bihar, PIN-845419 , in the state of  BIHAR .


The aims and objects for which the Association is established are as under:

  1. To create sense of brotherhood, co-operation, mutual harmony, love and affection amongst the people and to help them in distress by taking up the matter with the authority concerned.
  2. To start, establish, run, take over or manage and maintain schools, with an object to provide sound pre-primary, primary, secondary and senior secondary education to children by seeking recognition and affiliation from the education departments and concerned Govt. authorities.
  3. To establish, promote, set up, run, maintain, assist, finance support and/ or aid to or  help in the setting up and  /or maintaining and /or running other institution orphanages, handicapped widows, homes, lunatic asylums, poor houses, or other establishments for relief and /or help to the poor, old and infirm people and/ or destitute.
  4. To give necessary education for the students who desired to be Namaz,Hifz  of Quran, religious teaching bases on Sufism of Islam.
  5. To arrange peaceful procession  of Sufi and Saints on their Birth/Death Anniversary from this Society Office to Shrine of  the Sufi.
  6. To initiate and promote health care, community development and religious studies. To organize medical camps, blood donation camps and eye donation camps for the general public.
  7. To undertake developmental activities independently or in collaboration with other voluntary agencies.
  8. To aid and encourage Islamic  studies and spiritual practices with spirit of service to the mankind of being them to understand life in the context of contemporary needs of scientific social ethical aesthetic and spiritual development so that human pance is free wants, war and other evils.
  9. To provide scholarship for bright & intelligent student for attaining higher standards into education of spiritual academic and technical natural.
  10. To print publishing, sell or distribute books predicates, leaflet photographs illustrating journal, magazines, periodical news letter / paper and other publication on no profit no loss basis for the promotion of the society.
  11. To promote aid and undertake programs of house hold cottage and khadi and gramudyog industries forest and mineral development of local handicraft and other industries for providing self-employment.
  12. To invest dispose off transfer and other wise deal with subject matter of the society in such a manner as deemed fit and proper to do in carrying out the object of the society.
  13. To raise or borrow money required for the purpose of trust/society on a mortgage or pledge of the trust a state or any port therefore with or without any security and at a such rate of interest and on such term as the trust shall think fit.
  14. To arrange and manage the training institutions in Typing, Shorthand, Computer, Fine Arts, Music, Painting,  Yoga, Physical Education and in other professional training subjects.
  15. To arrange/ organize discussions, seminars, conference and other lawful gathering for the promotions of Aims and Objects of the Society.
  16. To establish and manage various kinds of Educational, Vocational, Industrial, Agriculture Research and Training institutions to introduce and develop the professional course and also to arrange/ provide all kinds of educational facilities to the students, scholars, trainees and to other needy candidates.
  17. To establish, manage, and develop such out of school activity-centers for the children of the underprivileged class/section of society where they could have the benefits and joy of participating in sports, games, artistic activities, like clay and wood work, music, dance, painting and also organize educational trips.
  18. To impart free education to the poor, helpless and needy children/students.
  19. To offer prizes and grant scholarship to the deserving students.
  20. To provide food, clothing, medical aid, stationery, transportation, libraries laboratories, reading rooms, hostels, play ground, swimming pool and other required facilities to the students and also to the members of the society.
  21. To accept donations, grants, presents, and other offering (in the shape of moveable or immovable properties) and the same shall be utilised for the promotion of Aims and objects of the society.
  22.  To arrange and organize social, religious, cultural, and educational Functions / programmes  from time to time.
  23.  To Convey  the message of love and spiritual teaching of Sufi Diwana Shah Warsi(R.A),Sufi Waris Ali Shah(R.A)  and Prophet Muhammad.


The functions and objects of the society shall always remain restricted within the meaning of section4(2) of the West Bengal Societies Registration Act,1961 irrespective of any object mentioned in the present documents in agreement or opposed to said section.

No member of the society shall have any personal claim on any moveable or immovable properties of the society or make any profits, whatsoever, by virtue of this membership. All the incomes, earnings, movable / immovable properties of the society shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and object only a set forth in the Memorandum of the society.

I) the above objects will be done as per prevailing law of the country

II) The income and properties of the society whatsoever derived or obtained shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the object of the society and no portion-thereof shall be paid to or divided amongst  any of its members by way of profits.


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